Tag: joke
We are excited to announce a brand-new camping option for summer 2015: Camp At Your House! Camp At Your House is a personalized camp experience that will take place right in families’ own homes. This new program will introduce a whole new level of Pine Cove by bringing camp right into your living room! The idea is simple: load […]
Tags: announcements, april fools, camp at your house, joke, news
NEWS RELEASE April 1, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Guggenheim Global Hot Dog Industries Buys Pine Cove Camps International Hot Dog Leader Relishing the Buyout of Tyler, Texas-based Pine Cove Camps for Estimated 1.5 Million Franks TYLER, TEXAS – In a play to dominate the increasingly competitive summer camp hot dog market, Netherlands-based hot dog juggernaut, […]
Tags: announcement, april fools, hot dogs, joke, news, pine coney