Advent is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the birth of Jesus. Jesus’ first advent, on the night of His birth, the Light entered darkness. Through this theme of ever-increasing light penetrating the darkness, we see a picture of the Gospel. Regardless of the tradition, Advent is a significant time in the life of the Church. It’s an opportunity for believers to remember God’s promise to send One who would overcome sin and death forever. God promised a Savior, and He kept that promise perfectly.
This time of year can be filled to the brim with activities and obligations, especially for families with young kids. Take time to consistently pause and reflect with the Lord on where your focus should be. Enjoy this liturgy for the Christmas season to help you do just that.
Though there was no room at the inn
To receive you upon your first arrival
We would prepare you room
Here in our hearts
And here in our home,
Lord Christ
As we decorate and celebrate, we do so to mark
The memory of your redemptive movement into
Our broken world, o God.
Our glittering ornaments and Christmas trees,
Our festive carols, our sumptuous feasts-
By these small tokens we affirm
That something amazing has happened
In time and space –
That God, on a particular night,
In a particular place, so many years ago,
Was born to us, an infant King, our Prince of Peace.
Our wreaths and ribbons and colored lights,
Our giving of gifts, our parties with friends –
These have never been ends in themselves.
They are but small ways in which we repeat
That sounding joy first proclaimed by angels
In the skies near Bethlehem
In view of such great tiding of love announced
To us, and to all people, how can we not be moved
To praise and celebrate this Christmas season?
As we decorate our tree, and as we
feast and laugh and sing together,
We are rehearsing our coming joy!
We are making ready to receive the one
Who has already, with open arms, received us!
We would prepare you room
Here in our hearts
And here in our home,
Lord Christ
Now we celebrate your first coming, Immanuel,
Even as we long for your return.
O Prince of Peace, our elder brother,
Return soon. We miss you so!
– Every Moment Holy
Posted Dec 16, 2024
Categories: Inside the Cove (Browse all)
Tags: Advent, devo
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