Scenic view of trees at camp

Advent: The Greatest Gift

by Craig Langemeier


It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 

I know that Christmas can be both exciting and stressful. It is filled with beautiful and bright decorations. And for young children, there is such sweet innocent anticipation for presents (and no school)! 

However, for some of us it may be filled with thoughts of missed loved ones or the stress of getting our homes ready or meals cooked or presents purchased or even tough or awkward relationships. It can be hard. 

But let me draw our attention back to the beginning. The first Christmas. Roughly two thousand years ago on an otherwise uneventful day in Bethlehem, a teenaged girl gave birth to the son of God! God became man and stepped into this world. 

God initiated with us. He came to us. He crossed the divide between Him and us. He did the hard thing. He took on every tough situation and fraught relationship. He stood in the gap and made the broken things whole again. We can revel in the celebration of His birth because we know the LIFE it led to.

As we head into this beautiful, crazy Christmas season, may we never forget the kindness of God and the greatest gift that has ever been given. Jesus Christ was born to give us life through Him!

Posted Dec 11, 2024

Craig Langemeier


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