Category: Staff Profile
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
Starting her camp journey on summer staff nearly 15 years ago and working through eight different positions on full-time staff, Hannah has experienced many facets of Pine Cove’s ministry. She has a heart of gold and will make you cry from laughter. Her name game story is unlike any we’ve ever heard, and her explanation […]
Tags: development, director, full time staff, Staff Profiles
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
We got the opportunity to sit down and get to know David Hall, who is just about the easiest person to talk to, ever. He is so clearly overflowing with gratitude for his opportunity to serve in camp ministry. From a high school football coach to a director of a youth camp, read David’s unique […]
Tags: central texas, coach, director, football, outback, Staff Profiles, youth camp
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
We got the chance to talk with Jan Robertson and hear what it’s been like to join Pine Cove later than most, how it has changed her life, and all the fun and challenges that come with pioneering a new camp. Oh, and she kept us laughing with the story of her engagement to her […]
Tags: central texas, crier creek, family, family camp, life change, retreats, staff, Staff Profiles
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
Luke “Patches” Cummings was a good ol’ Georgia boy who wanted to be a blue, crime-fighting Power Ranger… but he battled consistently terrible vision incidents. This young man dreamed of fighting for the good guys. He never gave up, even for a time when he sported double eyepatches! Eventually, Luke healed and didn’t need eyepatches […]
Tags: camp in the city, city, life transformation, Staff Profiles, stories, testimony
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
by Evan Roberts
Melanie “In the Mornin’ I’m Making Wafells” Langemeier is currently the Women’s Director at the Ridge. She got her start with Pine Cove as a summer staffer at the Ranch for four summers, went through the Forge, and has served full time at camp ever since. She worked at the Shores, was one of the […]
Tags: Staff Profiles
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
by Evan Roberts
Joanna “Rajmaninoff” Benjamin is the Women’s Director at Chimney Point. She has a long history with Pine Cove, is an Aggie, and is so dedicated to skits that once she suggested some of her hair be cut off on stage for dramatic effect. How did you end up at Pine Cove? I was a […]
Tags: Staff Profiles
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
Caleb “Wheelin N Dealin” Carter is the new camp director at the Ranch in East Texas, and we are thrilled to have him back at Pine Cove! He has been in his fair share of skits from his summer staff days (this one is an all-time favorite), and everyone at the Ranch will be blessed […]
Tags: Staff Profiles
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
Lexi has worked for Pine Cove for the past seven summers and is currently one of our retreat specialists in East Texas. We had the chance to ask her a few questions about her job and Pine Cove experiences, and we think you’ll love what she has to say! How did you end up at […]
Tags: Staff Profiles
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
by Pine Cove
We sat down with Wally “JJ Redneck” Jenkins and got to know him a little bit better. We’re excited for you to do the same! How did you end up at Pine Cove? I became a believer right after my senior year of high school. All of my friends who were believers worked at Pine […]
Tags: Staff Profiles
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
by Evan Roberts
We sat down with Ridge camp director TJ “Philly” Connor to get to know him a little bit better, and his stories had us laughing in no time. Keep reading to learn about his family, his favorite Bible verses, and the most embarrassing moment he’s experienced at camp! How did you end up at Pine […]
Tags: Staff Profiles