Scenic view of trees at camp

Pine Cove in Latin America

by Melanie Langemeier

Pine Cove Counselor in Latin America

I always thought that NOTHING could compare to getting to do camp with my friends and campers in Texas. But that’s where Commission Camping comes in!

Commission Camping is a program that enables Pine Cove staff, both full-time and summer staff, to partner with Christian Camping International (CCI) to teach people in Latin America how to do camp. We have been partner with our friends in Latin America for the past 10 years.

What I have grown to love about Commission Camping is that we get to work with believers in several different countries. As we bring our staff down there, they have college-aged staff who come to the campground to learn about leadership, minister to campers, and seek a closer relationship with Christ. While this is happening, they make bonds with our staff that continue on even after we head back to America.

I have been able to experience Commission Camping firsthand in Argentina. What a sweet blessing to partner with the selfless, encouraging, and spiritually solid staff! I got to watch them as they prayed through tears with their campers, preached the gospel (in Spanish) that changed the lives of those who heard, and enjoyed fun and funny games with the whole camp.

I’m excited to announce that we are sending out 11 teams to 8 countries today. What’s even better is that they each have their own blog and you can read about each trip!

Please be one of our partners by praying for each team as they are in Latin America and check out the blogs! They are full of funny stories of camp as well as the life change that God does in the environment of camp.

Mission Trip Blogs

Posted Jan 3, 2014

Melanie Langemeier

Ridge Women's Director

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