Scenic view of trees at camp

2022 Winter Staff Trips

by Jessica Anthony


One thing we hope you’ll never tire of hearing is that here at Pine Cove, “our staff is our program!” Our relational recruiting model has changed not only the way we look for and hire those staffers, but also how we interact with them the other forty weeks of the year. 


One of those ways we continue investing in those relationships is by spending time with them during their winter breaks. We had camp teams spend that time together all over the country: from the Passion conference in Atlanta, to the beaches of Alabama, the Texas hill country, and a few places in between! 

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While an outsider might just see this as seriously fun hangout time with college kids (which it most certainly is), it is more importantly a time when our resident staff can spend some Christ-centered time with them. 

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Yes, they went to beaches, and played games, and stayed up way too late, and ate way too much food, and laughed way too hard. But, they also spent time in God’s Word, in prayer, in fellowship with other believers, in conversation, in community, and in worship. 


Leah “Smax” Crum, our Crier Creek Women’s Director explains, “It is always just a unique time to live life alongside staffers without the business of camp or the stress of class schedules/studying.” From new staff getting to know their teams for the first time, to former and upcoming leadership staff exchanging ideas, to resident staff (and their kids!) catching up with them all, it was a beautiful time to remember what God has done and get excited about all He will do in the coming summer. 

Summer 2022, we’re ready for you! 

Posted Jan 26, 2022

Jessica Anthony

Former Staff

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