Camper Share is one of our favorite times of the week. We love getting to hear about what the Lord is doing in the lives of our campers! Here are a few things that our campers have shared so far this summer:
“After this week, God has changed my life and I want to follow Him now… I want to share in His Word and follow His commands. It’s the greatest feeling I’ve ever had.” -Shores Camper
“God taught me He will never love us anymore or any less.” -Ranch Camper
“During this week I learned to surrender all parts of my life to God.” -Outback Camper
“God taught me even though happiness may leave we will always have joy in Jesus Christ.” -Ranch Camper
“We all know the big principles and it feels so hard to transition that to day to day. The little moments, the little prayers. Those moments. Taking away those moments with my kids, catching the girls at the end of slide, my oldest holding my hand while walking. Those little moments build up to emotional tanks being filled.” -Crier Creek Camper
“God taught me to rely on His word.” -Ranch Camper
“I was really excited about activities, but the first night of club was awesome.” -Outback Camper
“I’ve been wrestling with the fact that marriage is hard. And some girl counselors were asking these questions and it was good to get to share with them that it is hard but it is totally worth it and you are changed because of it. Because it’s hard it makes it better. I couldn’t say that before I came this week.” -Woods Camper
“God loves us so much, He decided to die for us even though we didn’t deserve it.” -Ranch Camper
“I can live free in Christ and that excites me and ignites me to go back and share God with people back home.” -Shores Camper
“God loves you for you.” -Ranch Camper
“I turned to a lot of wrong things instead of God, I chose to ignore and run from him, came to camp unwillingly… so glad I came. Met awesome Christian people and had good clean fun. God loves you for who you are… I finally realized that. It took me almost 18 years.” -Shores Camper
“He will always be for us even when everyone else is against us.” -Ranch Camper
“God helped me get over comparison. I don’t have to worry about what other people think anymore.” -Outback Camper
“It’s painful to give up control of our kids, but it’s to God. He has a better plan.” -Crier Creek Camper
“No matter how far away you stray from God, he is always fighting to get you back.” -Ranch Camper
“Camp was more than activities. I learned to get into God’s word and have a stronger relationship.” -Outback Camper
“The past several weeks before we came were a struggle for me. I was a mess. I realized that I haven’t been a mess here. I was overcome with gratefulness with what the Lord has given me. I’m grateful for how this week has shifted the focus of my heart.” -Woods Camper
Posted Jun 19, 2013
Categories: Spiritual (Browse all)
Tags: bible, camper share, faith, gospel, lessons, spiritual, summer, truth
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