Scenic view of trees at camp

Funny Camper Mail

by Chelsea Connor

We love the CampLife app. Like, we really, really love it. The photo galleries are amazing and the counselor bios are awesome, but arguably our favorite part is the letter-writing feature for overnight youth campers. When parents get to write their camper a letter, and receive one back before the week is over, it’s such a treat!

Some of these letters are sweet and heartfelt, like the ones below.

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Are you crying yet?

Then there are some others. We all know a few kids who would never write a letter home unless forced (maybe it is/was you!), and if we had to guess, these are what those letters looked like:

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And finally, we have some letters with “gentle” requests to parents. How might you respond to some of these?

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This last letter makes us giggle at first, but make sure you stay around for the postscript!


Editor’s Note: All of these letters have been shared with permission. Do you have a funny or super sweet camper letter you’d like to share with us? We’d love to see it! Email a screenshot to

Posted Apr 25, 2018

Chelsea Connor

Former Staff

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