by Pine Cove
Working at Pine Cove is a fun, life-changing experience. Staffers spend all week pouring their time and energy into campers. Often we get asked how to bless our hard-working staff during their summer. Here are a few suggestions for the best way to bless a summer staffer.
Camp is fun, but it’s also hard! Staffers need prayer warriors behind them. God is doing amazing things through our summer staff, but they need prayerful support. Camp can be physically and spiritually draining, so it’s important to pray that staff will find ways to be rested in all areas.
It’s exciting to receive mail! Since summer staffers are not allowed to have their phones with them at camp, the best way to send them an encouraging note is through the US Postal Service. Sending staffers snacks (in sealable containers) or other fun items is a great way to bless them. Getting mail at camp is like unexpectedly getting to play with puppies. You just can’t not be thrilled about it!
Has the Lord worked through camp to bless you and your family? These staffers would love to hear about it! Sometimes, especially if a staffer has a role that is more behind the scenes, they don’t get to hear as many great stories of life change. They’d love to be encouraged about how God has worked in your own life!
While not everyone is physically close enough to bless a staffer in this way, if you live within an hour of camp, staff would love to spend some time there on a weekend! Just offering them coffee and a couch to sit on is a huge blessing. Also, if you offer your washing machine to use, they will probably love you forever.
God is doing amazing things through our summer staff! We encourage you to keep them in your prayers and send them notes throughout the summer! Even during the year, it’s a blessing to let staff know you’re praying for them.
Posted Jun 20, 2018
Categories: Inside the Cove (Browse all)
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