Last weekend each camp welcomed their summer leadership teams for a time of prayer, planning, and of course, play, in order to get ready for this summer!
In Central Texas, the Austin Stone Worship led our teams in corporate prayer and worship at the Ridge. TJ “Philly” Connor, CTX Senior Director of Ministries and Crier Creek Camp Director, spoke on 1 Corinthians 13 and charged the staff that the “more excellent way” mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:31 is to love. He also addressed counterfeit love and challenged staffers to truly care about those they are leading with the love Christ first loved them with (1 John 4)!
Unity was also a common theme throughout the weekend. Staff were able to share how they were doing spiritually and come alongside and encourage one another. It was really meaningful to have the whole team together. One senior counselor said, “This weekend was an amazing reminder of why we follow Jesus. Our purpose is to make His name known and I was able to bring the things I’ve learned this weekend back to Auburn! I found so much peace and purpose when we had a time of genuine prayer and confession. It made me incredibly excited to watch what the Lord will do this summer!”
And because Pine Cove is seriously fun, camp teams also made late-night What-a-burger runs, played games with some serious competition (like Turkish Delight), and even dressed up in skit costumes to go bowling in town! One thing’s for sure: our leadership teams are ready, eager, and willing to serve our campers this summer, and we can’t wait to see how God uses them! Let’s go!
Posted Apr 7, 2022
Categories: Inside the Cove (Browse all)
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