Recently during my quiet time with the Lord, I was having a bona fide pity party. Please tell me you’ve been there? I was telling God all the ways my life was hard and how exhausted I was from dealing with it. I told Him that keeping a marriage intact felt like more work than I signed up for and that parenting wasn’t getting any easier. I’ve always had my eye on the prize: “‘til death do us part” and godly children launched from our quiver. I just didn’t know the journey would be uphill the whole way with so many storms and gorges.
I rarely say the Lord spoke to me. I’m too much of a skeptic to be 100% sure. But He asked me a question in that moment as tangible as the tears running down my cheeks.
“Is it worth it?”
I froze. And then the tears ran harder. That question likely wouldn’t have meant much to anyone else, but it pierced me. I knew exactly what the Lord was asking.
Is the end goal worth it? Is leaving this world with a legacy of faithfulness worth enduring all the trials it takes to get there? When you’re in your 80s on your deathbed, like your Nana was last year, will you be surrounded by children and grandchildren who rise up and call you blessed? Will they be singing songs of praise to God because you taught them how to praise in the storm? Will your husband be there, the one love of your life, holding your hand? The one whose imperfections pruned your character and made you more like Jesus.
It was a defining moment.
And my soul answered, “Yes, Lord! It’s worth it.”
Forgiving my husband 70 times 7 (and asking for forgiveness) is worth it. Continuing to disciple and discipline my kids when I don’t see results is worth it. Making tough parenting choices that look different from others’ is worth it. Staying faithful to church and accountable to believers is worth it. Staying the course when it feels others would have quit is worth it. Living a life poured out for the glory of GOD and not for self is always worth it.
Yes, the journey is more difficult than I anticipated, but the reward is even greater than I could imagine.
Second Corinthians 4:17 says, “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”
Compared to eternity, even trials that go on for years are but a blip on the screen. What is eternal is our treasure in heaven, the souls of our children, and the godly legacy we leave behind. Motherhood is eternal, Kingdom-building work.
My family has never been the best at holidays. My husband and kids tend to let days like birthdays and Mother’s Day sneak up on them every year. But even if I don’t get rewarded for my efforts this Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed or a spa day, I know where my reward lies.
And it’s absolutely worth it.
“So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.” Hebrews 10:35-36
Posted May 3, 2021
Categories: Inside the Cove (Browse all)
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