Scenic view of trees at camp

Pine Cove City Activity Classes!

by Karissa Pitaniello


Throughout the summer, our City teams work hard to bring the Christ-centered serious fun to YOUR neighborhood! One of our favorite parts of these jam-packed weeks of camp is the awesome activity classes. Whether you prefer climbing a sky-high rock wall, racing your friends down the slip ‘n’ slide, or finding your perfect aim in laser tag, Pine Cove City has the activity for you. Scroll below to check out what all the fun is about! 

Euro Bungee

Starting with the famed euro bungee (also known as the “bungee trampoline”), this activity lets each camper jump and flip all around in a weightless, controlled setting! Campers can soar to the sky or focus on perfecting their backflips. Sometimes, to take the fun to the next level, the camper will play a game where they’re asked a question at the very top of their jump and they have to answer before their feet hit the trampoline! Through this activity, the campers learn how the bungees and the wires are a lot like putting our faith in God! Sometimes we can’t understand or see God, but we know that when we put our faith in Him, we are safe and can enjoy life to the full! John 10:10

Spider Web and Slide

Campers crawl through the different levels of this spider web to reach a huge slide at the finish line! The campers have a blast racing their friends and counselors all while learning about endurance as believers. They are reminded that even when life is tough, we can choose to press on as we depend on the Lord! Trials and hard times produce hope and Godly character in us. Romans 5:3-5

Obstacle Course 

This inflatable obstacle course features many twists and turns for each camper to race through! As campers make their way to the finish line they might even run into a… MONSTER (otherwise known as a respectful, gentle counselor blocking the way or making the course a little more challenging)! Campers are taught that in life, we will definitely face obstacles. But! God promises us He is always with us. He will help us overcome all the struggles we face in this life. John 16:33

Inflatable Slide

After campers get their swimsuits on and sunscreen slathered, they’re ready to climb to the top of the inflatable slide! Nothing says summer fun like free falling down Pine Cove City’s waterslide. Campers have loads of fun turning this activity class into a relay with the rest of their cabin and they love having competitions to race to the bottom! Sometimes climbing the ladder can be a challenge, so the counselors use this as a reminder to the campers that walking with God can sometimes be difficult, but ALWAYS worth it. Galatians 6:9


This inflatable slip-n-slide is unlike any that you’d find in someone’s backyard! Each camper gets to take turns cooling off from the summer sun by sliding through a ginormous blown-up track before diving into a pool of water! Plenty of campers show up at camp in the morning ready to hop onto the slip-n-slide and play, which is why this activity class is the perfect chance to encourage patience! Campers are reminded that God’s plan is always perfect—even when it includes waiting! Psalm 37:7

Hot Wheels 

Another awesome activity waiting for campers when they get to camp? A Hot Wheels track! No, not the miniature car version. Campers hop on a three-wheeled bike and zoom around the track racing their friends and trying to get the fastest time of the day! Through this, the campers learn that just like the handlebars control which direction the whole bike goes, the Word of the Lord should be what guides our lives! Psalm 119:105

Climbing Wall

This activity is one you can see from a mile away! (Depending on which city you’re in, of course). Each camper is suited up with their helmet and harness before taking on the Pine Cove City climbing wall! After climbing to the top, campers are encouraged to remember how God equips us with things like the Bible and the Spirit (harness and belay) to overcome hard things! Luke 1:37

Other Fun!

There is a HUGE amount of other fun to be had at Pine Cove City including archery, mini golf, silent disco, laser tag, and MORE! We are consistently grateful for each of our City staffers that work hard to bring the fun of Pine Cove to neighborhoods near you so that even more campers can experience camp and hear the Gospel.

Posted Jun 5, 2023

Karissa Pitaniello

Content Coordinator

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