by Pine Cove
Jacki “Winnie” Rodriguez is back taking your calls and telling us about her most hilarious Pine Cove phone calls! Pikapoo and Rents play a game of 100K pine cone pyramid—who will win this “crunchy miracle” of a prize? And who will have to sing a jingle for our last conversation with Dutch and Dutchess for this season? This episode is packed with serious fun and meaningful conversations.
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This episode of the Pine Cove Podcast is sponsored by Opening Day Watermelon. Pine Cove Staff: Do you ever stop jumping? Never! EXCEPT to get a refreshing, pink, electrolyte-filled triangle of joy called watermelon! Watermelon on opening day makes even the hottest gauntlet feel like jumping in a snowstorm. But are you thinking about lingering by the watermelon table? Don’t you dare! Your director is watching… Watermelon: you need it, you eat it (but eat it fast), and get back out there!
Posted May 11, 2021
Categories: Podcast (Browse all)
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