Scenic view of trees at camp

Staff Retreats

by Chelsea Connor


At Pine Cove, we are literally in the ministry of retreats. We encourage everyone to come and get away from their normal everyday lives, and spend some time with the Lord in the great outdoors. We believe in this so strongly that we even practice retreating ourselves!

Over the past month, all of our regions have taken two or three days to retreat. Our retreat goals? To be Christ-centered, others-focused, and seriously fun. Sometimes, that means going to a waterpark. Other times, it means going to stay at the Woods in the Cedar Ridge cabins. Regardless, it always means games, competitions, tons of quality time together, times to share what God did this summer, times of corporate worship, and a dedicated time to cast vision for the next year.

Senior leadership come to all of our retreats to explain the big goals for Pine Cove over the next year. This helps us all set priorities clearly, and keeps everyone on the same page. They also gave us an update on last year’s big priorities. (For 2017-2018, our number 1 was The Ridge! We loved getting to celebrate everyone’s part in making that happen.)

We came back from each of our retreats refreshed and renewed, and excited to be planning for Summer 2019!

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Posted Oct 2, 2018

Chelsea Connor

Former Staff

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