by Matt Murphy
This is a guest post by one of our summer staff, “Thunder Showers”.
You know you’re at camp when you wake up and the first thing you see is Jiggs walking down and getting ready for flag. You know you’re at camp when there is one cabin chanting “Luna Moth Club buzz buzz buzz buzz”, another one running around with Ponchos on, and another one having a pillow fight all at the flag pole. Yes, you are at camp.
Week 6 has gotten off to a great start and has definitely turned out to be one of the coolest and most diverse weeks of the summer so far. We have had a couple of moments throughout the day when the Lord has sent some rain our way, but those are moments that I am learning to be thankful for because it adds variety and keeps us on our toes. But, the rain hasn’t been the thing that has made this week awesome. We actually have a variety of cultures and ethnicities that are represented here at the Ranch this week.
There is a girl who is from China that doesn’t speak English and so we have her paired with a buddy counselor who is translating everything for her. Along the same lines, there is a camper from Mexico that doesn’t speak English as well and we have a buddy counselor with him that is translating all of the bible studies and club talks for him as well. In addition to these two, we also have campers that are from Italy, Africa, and Poland. It has been such a blessing to see that the nations have come to the Ranch camp and they are all hearing the same story at the same time. It has definitely been a privilege to serve at camp and see the campers come together from all across the world to have fun and learn about God. What better place than camp to be able to experience both of those at the same time?
Keep your eyes open to the story that the Lord is orchestrating all around you. Continue to pursue others with the love of Christ.
“For the love of Christ compels us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.” 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Posted Jul 16, 2012
Categories: Summer Staff (Browse all)
Tags: africa, international, italy, mexico, ministry, poland
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