Scenic view of trees at camp

Three Spiritually Enriching Resources

by Colin Post


Do you ever feel like you are just too busy to find new Christian resources that are reliable and worth your time? We get it! With school in full swing and the holiday season right around the corner, this time of year can be busy and stressful for a lot of people. Whether you like books, podcasts, or even apps on your phone, we have you covered! Here are three Christian resources we love that we recommend for you or your whole family.

Book: Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Early

Parenting frequently feels like it is an all-over-the-place sprint from one thing to the next with no consistency or rhythm. With all the school events, practices, play dates, and other things you have to get your kids to, it can feel difficult to make Christ the center of your family’s day-to-day life. Meaningful habits (even in the smallest of doses) are possible, though, and Habits of the Household works to help the Christian parent understand that. In just 233 pages, Justin Whitmel Early gives parents practical ways to create habits that can be put in place immediately to help everyone in the family love God and each other well through the chaos. If you relate to this at all, or even want to prepare for the busyness of your future household, check out Habits of the Household!

Podcast: “Being Known”

We all experience a wide range of individual emotions every day, but everyone shares the desire to be known. This is actually scientific, and the “Being Known” podcast analyzes the way our interpersonal neurobiology impacts our spiritual identity. Host Curt Thompson, a Christian psychiatrist from just outside of Washington D.C., is spurred by a deep compassion for others and desire for them to live life in a healthier, more purposeful way. In 30 to 45-minute episodes, Thompson utilizes both his expertise in biology and love for Christ to give listeners more insight on their desire to be known, as well as practical action steps on how to fulfill that desire in a godly way. This is an easy listen for your drive to work or when you’re just doing chores around the house, and we hope that you feel more known and loved as a result!

App: Dwell Bible App

Dwell has been so great for when I can tell my soul needs a breath but can’t really pause my day with the kids or work to get time in the Word. Having something curated for me that I can open up, pop in my earbuds, and take a moment to remind myself of truth… it’s awesome.” 

We feel like the words of this Pine Cove mom speak for themselves! The Dwell Bible App truly allows you to find peace in the turmoil as you listen to God’s Word read to you by people who sincerely love Scripture. Beautiful artwork and calming music are also paired with the text to give you an overwhelmingly restful time with the Lord. The subscription costs less than a dollar a week and has near-perfect reviews on the app store, so download it today and enjoy a stress-free quiet time!

We hope these three resources are able to save you some time and draw you closer to God during one of the busiest seasons of the year. Spending time with the Lord isn’t always easy, but it is always vital to the Christian life.

Leave a comment below if you enjoyed one of the resources above or have any other recommendations for other readers to enjoy!

Posted Nov 30, 2022

Colin Post

Ridge Men's Director

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