Author: Elizabeth Moore
Former Staff
From the Slidosaurus to the zipline to the bungee trampoline, Pine Cove is jam-packed with “seriously fun” activity classes for campers to create memories that last a lifetime. But we want campers to take home more than just a fun camp experience. We want them to take home a deeper understanding of the Gospel and […]
Tags: activity classes, counselor, faith, gospel, lessons, ministry, summer
Inside the Cove | Summer Staff
If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Self, where do these incredible Pine Cove counselors come from?” you’re not alone! For decades, Pine Cove has been committed to hiring high-quality staff, and are often asked, “How do you do it?” Well, like everything else at Pine Cove, recruiting and hiring are seen as opportunities for ministry, where […]
Tags: christ centered, recruiting, summer staff
Throughout Scripture, the Lord calls us to remember. Remember what He’s done in our lives, and how He’s changed our hearts. We encourage you to take a few minutes to look back on your time at Pine Cove, to reflect on what God did in your heart, and to remember. Oh Lord, what a gift […]
Tags: liturgy, prayer, reflection, remembering
When Joshua “Cool Front” McDonald came to work at the Woods in 2006, he didn’t know it would turn out to be one of the most spiritually pivotal years of his life. “My dad was a pastor, so I was always in the church in some form or fashion, but there wasn’t a lot of […]
Tags: ministry, stories, summer staff
In the small community of Mount Vernon, Texas, Keith Williams grew up with one stoplight and a tumultuous childhood. “My family life was wheels off,” Keith says. “My dad was on the wrong side of everything—guns, violence, drugs, the whole bit.” When he was in eighth grade, Keith’s dad got into a physical altercation with […]
Tags: family, scholarships, transformation
When Ellie Graziadei stepped off the plane and arrived in Texas for the first time, she had no idea that she would be spending her next four summers on the road as one of Pine Cove City’s traveling staff members. Now, as a full-time Recruiting Coordinator, Ellie treasures her memories as a City staffer and […]
Tags: pine cove city
Starting in the summer of 1971, Teresa “Chigger” Roberson spent many summers and weekends at Pine Cove. As a close friend of the McKenzie family and a Tyler native, Teresa and her group of friends went to church together and worked at camp together. Before developing into twelve camps in three regions, Pine Cove consisted […]
Tags: life change
At the start of 2014, David and Misti Maddron’s family had recently doubled in size. Adam and Autumn, both adopted like the oldest, Andrew, had just joined their family, and Misti was about to give birth to their first biological child, Asher. In the midst of this rapid family growth, Andrew, a third grader, heard […]
Tags: life change
As many former staffers may know, it’s tempting to let our performance at camp determine our worth. With spiritual breakthroughs happening each week, it’s easy to credit ourselves for the fruit we see, rather than remember that it is God who works graciously in our weakness. For Emily “Blog Without A Dog” Rutledge, it wasn’t […]
When Megan Bates Hunt was fourteen years old, she wrote a prayer on a post-it note: “Lord, let me be a foster parent.” Little did she know, God would abundantly fulfill this desire and give her a family that would mirror His heart. Megan, also known as “Victory,” was a Pine Cove staffer for years. […]
Tags: adoption, family, stories