Tag: prayer
by Pine Cove
Editor’s Note: The following story was shared by Sami Grace “Scoob” Donnelly, a summer staffer at the Pine Cove Woods. I was a Crew counselor for Week 5 in 2022, so I was super excited when I found out my assignment for Week 5 of 2023 was Crew again. My old cabin and my new […]
Tags: prayer, story, summer staff, woods, zipline
Spiritual | Stories | Summer Staff
by Lizzie Klein
In October 2015, Ayden “Trips” Drake prayed over a verse, Romans 8:28: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” That month, her mother had passed away from a condition called cystic fibrosis. Through the pain and confusion, Ayden […]
Tags: family, family camp, gospel, life change, prayer, scripture, stories, summer staff, woods
Throughout Scripture, the Lord calls us to remember. Remember what He’s done in our lives, and how He’s changed our hearts. We encourage you to take a few minutes to look back on your time at Pine Cove, to reflect on what God did in your heart, and to remember. Oh Lord, what a gift […]
Tags: liturgy, prayer, reflection, remembering
Inside the Cove | Prep for Camp
“Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 As camp quickly approaches, we want to be as prayerful as we are excited! Join us in praying daily for campers, staffers, families, etc. as we prepare for the most wonderful time of the year! Give each link a click to […]
Tags: countdown, prayer, summer camp
Inside the Cove | Spiritual | Summer Staff
After a long summer spent pouring themselves out for the sake of the Gospel, approximately 150 Pine Cove staffers won’t go home to catch up on movies, do mountains of laundry, or start preparing to return to school. They’ll stay at camp for an extra week to keep on pouring. On August 7th, those 150 […]
Tags: gospel, prayer, rally week, summer, summer staff, youth camp
As we get ready to open the gates and welcome campers for our 54th summer, there is much to be thankful for—and also a ton to pray for! We invite you to join us in covering Pine Cove, our campers, and our staff in prayer as we embark on another summer of being used by […]
Tags: gospel, prayer, summer, summer prep
Inside the Cove | Parenting | Spiritual
Praying scripture regularly over our children and grandchildren is no doubt one of the most loving and impactful things we can do for them. According to Hebrews 4:12, God’s Word is “alive and active” in our lives. When we pray for Biblical Truth over our children, whether they are little ones or grown adults, you […]
Tags: camp, momlife, moms, prayer
Have you ever wondered why we celebrate today and call it “St. Patrick’s Day?” Believe it or not, there is way more to the story than wearing green head to toe and searching for the perfect four-leaf clover. Saint Patrick was an actual person, and his life is fascinating. Born in Britain, he was kidnapped […]
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18 Ask any counselor, and they will tell you just how nerve-wracking stepping into your cabin on Sunday afternoon for the first time that week can be. Questions like “what if I don’t get along with […]
Tags: lessons, life change, prayer, shores, story
by Matt Edwards
Over the last several years, the resident staff of Pine Cove have been pursuing the idea that God is deeply engaged with His people that pray. He desires a deep and personal relationship with his children. An active prayer life is one of the ways that we can enjoy him more fully. He has taught […]
Tags: faith, goals, ministry, prayer, resident staff, staff