Scenic view of trees at camp

Lessons Learned

by Chelsea Connor

Boy camper swinging a bat

Towers campers are silly. They say funny things, and sometimes it can be hard to tell if they are even listening to the serious stuff. After all, the question “when’s free time?!” comes up at least 5 times a day (per camper), and no matter how many times we answer, it still seems to be a mystery.

campers face

During club talks, it’s a fight to get them to sit through a talk without leaving for the bathroom. In the 5th grade girls Q&A session, they pull out random questions that seem to be totally irrelevant.

Except, they are listening. Always. More than listening, they watch. This age, more than most, love to watch and mirror what they see us do.

This week one of the health assistants was in the Tum Tum with a 2nd grade boy with a headache. While she was with the him, another camper came in also complaining of a headache. Without hesitation, the 2nd grader told the other camper that he was praying for him, and put his arm around him right then to pray for him. They prayed together for God to heal their headaches, and got to talk with the health assistants about the power of prayer.

Friday nights, I love hearing what campers choose to share in front of the group. Last week, one said he learned that “some people have to risk their lives for the Gospel.” Another camper shared “it is easier to connect with God than I thought.”

It turns out, they are listening.

I think God could say the same thing about us. As many times as a camper asks when free time is, how many more times do we worry and ask the Lord about our own future? I am thankful for the patience He gives as we continue to ask the same questions, over and over. We have a lot to learn from these campers. Maybe that’s why Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 18,

I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Posted Jun 15, 2012

Chelsea Connor

Former Staff

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