by Pine Cove
Christ-centered. Others-focused. Seriously fun.
These are Pine Cove’s core values. From crazy skits to deep conversations to high energy times of worship, everything we do gets filtered through those three principles. They help to ensure that Pine Cove stays true to who God has created us to be, so that no matter the changes we experience, we will always be an organization that values relationships, fun, and above all, Jesus Christ.
We believe it’s important for families to be able to articulate their own core values. Below you will find a list of suggestions of foundational values that you can use as a starting point to create your own. Once you’ve selected your values, make sure your children know what they are and why your family holds them in high regard. Cover your core values in prayer, asking God to help your family live them out!
Running After God – Pursuing the Lord, together and separately, and always pointing one another back to Him
Empathetic Compassion – Putting others first, leading with love, and seeking to be Christ to all
Joyful and Fun-Loving – Valuing and regularly participating in the God-given gift of laughter and fun
Generously Open-Handed – Sharing what God has blessed you with, willingly giving to others
Determined to Persevere – Linking arms with each other to follow the Lord’s lead in in the hard battles of life
Gathering and Welcoming – Putting the spiritual gift of hospitality into practice by regularly welcoming God’s people into your home
Fighting for Convictions – Standing firm for what you believe in
Creative Like the Creator – Valuing imagination and the arts, and following the lead of the most creative one of all: God
Hungering for Knowledge – Seeking after knowledge, rewarding curiosity, and valuing wisdom
Health-Conscious – Honoring the Lord by taking care of the health He’s given you and keeping your bodies strong
True To Your Word – Valuing honesty, truthfulness, and following through on your promises
Quick to Listen – Leading with open ears and closed mouths, ready to listen first and seek to understand
Faithful to Pray – Approaching the throne of grace regularly—praying without ceasing
Thoughtful Stewardship – Being good caretakers of the resources and finances you’ve been given
Shining Like Stars – Striving to be blameless and pure children of God, that you “will shine among them like stars in the sky”
Enduring Patience – Committing to demonstrate the fruit of the spirit of patience to one another and all those you come in contact with
Serving Together – Seeking out opportunities as a family to help those in need, through volunteering or charitable giving
Living Out Our Calling – Accepting and undertaking God’s mission for your lives
Loving Kindness – Holding the biblical quality of kindness in high regard by loving others as God has loved you
Seekers of Justice – Chasing after justice when needed—especially for those unable to speak up for themselves
Purveyors of Mercy – Extending grace and mercy to God’s children, even when it’s difficult
Demonstrating Gratitude – Expressing appreciation and gratitude to the people around you
Leading with Humility – Holding meekness in high esteem, having God’s view of yourself and others
Unwavering Integrity – Choosing what is right in the eyes of God over what is fast, easy, or comfortable
Together No Matter What – Agreeing that as a family, you will walk through whatever God puts in your path—together
We’d love for you to tell us more about the core values your family is adopting in the comments below!
Posted Feb 26, 2020
Categories: Camp Culture (Browse all)
Tags: activities, Core Values, family, parenting, summer
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