Scenic view of trees at camp

A Camper’s Leap of Faith

by Pine Cove


Editor’s Note: The following story was shared by Sami Grace “Scoob” Donnelly, a summer staffer at the Pine Cove Woods. 

I was a Crew counselor for Week 5 in 2022, so I was super excited when I found out my assignment for Week 5 of 2023 was Crew again. My old cabin and my new cabin did a lot of stuff together throughout the week, and I got to reconnect with several of my old campers. I had a pretty tight bond with one of those campers, and she is seriously one of the most mature, selfless, and reverent kids I’ve ever met. Last year, she wrestled with anxiety and felt so defeated after trying the zipline multiple times, only to end in her going back down the stairs instead of jumping off. We talked through the fact that God still loves us no matter what we do, but I could tell it affected her.

I have a picture of us on my wall at home and frequently think about her and pray for her—the burden of her coming up short weighed on me too. This year, I just had this sense of faith that she would conquer the zipline… and that’s the first thing she told me when we saw each other on opening day of week 5. 

When the morning came for our cabins to go to the zipline, the closer we got to the tower, the more anxiety-ridden she became. She got some tough family news that morning, and she told me, “I might have to break my promise of doing the zipline this year.” I thought it was partially a spiritual attack, trying to rob her of fun and cast another year’s worth of guilt onto her spirit. We talked again about how the Lord’s love is unconditional, and the other girls in the cabin prayed over her. After a few minutes, she said she would try it, but to keep expectations low.


We timidly walked up the stairs to the tower, and she started to cry at the top. However, there was a verse (Psalm 16:8) painted on the platform, and it happened to be in her favorite color, which was comforting. She talked with the ropes instructor for a few minutes, prayed, and tearfully inched her way closer and closer to the edge. There was a moment when I really thought she wasn’t going to do it, but then she stepped off, and I jumped off my side after her. It was like watching chains of fear and shame fall off, and we were both screaming at each other all the way down the line, rejoicing in her (literal) leap of faith.

That moment revealed to me so much about God’s patience and tenderness. Even though it took us an entire year to circle back around, God was there the entire time, guiding, teaching, nurturing, preparing, and comforting; it was all part of His plan. If I felt so much pride and fulfillment when this girl conquered her fears, how much more does our Heavenly Father feel for us? It also reinforced the belief that nothing at camp is meaningless, and everything at camp is for God’s glory—to behold it and bring others into that light. 

I never want to forget the smile of relief mixed with pure joy that was on her face when she finally made the decision to trust and step off. Definitely one of my best camp memories ever.

Posted Dec 12, 2024

Pine Cove

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