Tag: story
by Pine Cove
Editor’s Note: The following story was shared by Sami Grace “Scoob” Donnelly, a summer staffer at the Pine Cove Woods. I was a Crew counselor for Week 5 in 2022, so I was super excited when I found out my assignment for Week 5 of 2023 was Crew again. My old cabin and my new […]
Tags: prayer, story, summer staff, woods, zipline
Spiritual | Stories | Summer Staff
When a camper heads home after a week or two at Pine Cove, we hope they’re bringing with them the memories of silly skits, stories about their new friends, and maybe a few souvenirs and Ebenezers of their time at camp. Most importantly, though, we hope they’re leaving with a deeper understanding of the Gospel. […]
Tags: gospel, how-to, story, summer staffers
Spiritual | Stories | Summer Staff
“I can’t get over what a miracle it is watching You transform hearts right in front of me. I don’t deserve it. May I never forget it.” Silverado counselor Emma Cate “Pink Princess” Williams wrote those words in her journal after her hangtime with Madison Maddux, a fifth grader from Waco, Texas. And she couldn’t […]
Tags: gospel, life change, salvation, story, summer staff
Camp Culture | Stories | Summer Staff
How the Springs Assembled its Inaugural Summer Team You can’t open a summer camp without a few invaluable ingredients. A large enough property, for one. The buildings that will feed, house, and entertain your campers, for another. But most importantly—especially if your constant refrain is “Our Staff Is Our Program”—you need the counselors, health assistants, […]
Tags: counselor, ministry, springs, staff, stories, story, summer, summer staff, youth camp
Spiritual | Stories | Summer Staff
Kelsey was unsure of what to expect as she prepared to meet her Amplify campers in the summer of 2015. Two weeks with a cabin full of thirteen to fourteen year old girls was going to be a high-energy adventure. But she never could have anticipated the work of grace that God would do through […]
Tags: camper, counselor, life transformation, spiritual impact, story, summer staff, timbers, youth camp
Camp Culture | Inside the Cove
by Pine Cove
“Pine Cove set the table for intentional conversations with my kids that I don’t usually get to have.” — Bluffs family camper “This is my first year at Pine Cove. I did not think I could ever be saved, it wasn’t in the cards for me. But now I realize that sin doesn’t define me […]
Tags: camp in the city, family camp, fun, inside the cove, life transformation, photos, recap, stories, story, summer recap, youth camp
“It was so clear that God was implementing every single detail and answering every little prayer,” Mallory recalls as she tells her story of seeing God’s faithfulness at camp. “And during weeks one through nine, there were times of doubt, but I was still in continual prayer without even realizing it. All throughout those nine […]
Tags: high school, life change, life transformation, Ridge, scholarships, siblings, story, summer staff, youth camp
When Christen Sharpe first arrived at Pine Cove to drop off her 12-year-old daughter, Ellis, at the Ranch in 2013, she was apprehensive and filled with anxiety for her daughter, convinced Ellis was going to be lonely. “Ellis had friends in her cabin the last two years at the Towers, Pine Cove’s elementary-age camp, but […]
Tags: community, relationships, story, summer staff
The very first instance in Scripture of a human being declaring a name over God is in Genesis 16, when Hagar calls God “El Roi,” which means “the God who sees.” It is not surprising, the significance that being seen holds in our lives now. For Hagar, being seen meant she was not alone in […]
Tags: bible, gospel, jesus, life change, Ridge, stories, story, transformation
Camp Culture | Inside the Cove
“I learned to trust Jesus and the Lord. Before this week I had accepted the Lord but didn’t know how to really trust Him. I finally found out this week what it looks like to really trust Him and accept Him.” — Outback camper “Getting to connect with so many like minded people has been […]
Tags: camp in the city, family camp, fun, inside the cove, life transformation, photos, recap, stories, story, summer recap, youth camp