Scenic view of trees at camp

Bible Study Previews 2020

by Anna Birch

boys studying the Bible

Camp is seriously fun, but more than that, it is all about Jesus, and the best part of each day is Bible study time! Here is a look at what our youth camps will be learning in their individual Bible studies this summer. We can’t wait for campers to dive into these!

Towers: Total transformation! That’s what we’re talking about at the Towers this summer. We are going to look at the life of Jesus and the people that had the chance to interact with Him. What we are going to see is that when your life intersects the Living God, you walk away changed (which is why our study is called “Changed”)! Through these interactions, we’ll ask questions and evaluate our own lives regarding our willingness to be changed by our Savior.

Ranch: Our theme is “Together Again.” We were created to have perfect harmony in these four relationships: with God, with ourselves, with other people, and with creation. When people abandoned God, all four of these relationships were infected with death and disease, leaving us with hostility instead of harmony. Then enters the hero of our story, Jesus, to permanently fix all of these relationships, “reconciling all things to Himself”! On day one we will examine the good news. Then each day after, we will zoom in and look at each of these four broken relationships and how Jesus put them back “Together Again.”

Timbers: Colossians is all about the Gospel—the good news that Jesus came so we might “have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14)! In our study, called “In Christ,” we’ll learn from the apostle Paul as he explains that God has made us alive in Christ and called us to “set our minds on things above” (Colossians 3:2). Colossians is full of reminders that we are forgiven and practical ways to live as someone who has been brought from death to life!

Shores: Our theme is “Draw Near.” God’s heart is for you to “draw near”—not “do more.” The narrative of all of Scripture can be boiled down to one single word: “WITH.. God loves His children. So, He created us so that He could be WITH us. He sent His Son to live WITH us. The Son sent the Holy Spirit to be WITHIN us. We are now called to walk by the Spirit to be WITH others. Often we live in a way of doing things FOR God instead of WITH God. This is the “With Life”—drawing near to His presence, believing His promises, and practicing His way. You can be WITH Him right now and forever!

Silverado: Silverado campers will be studying five different Bible stories and the characters in them: Adam and Eve, Jonah, Abram and Isaac, Martha and Mary, and Gideon. Each story will help campers dig into the concepts of the fall, redemption, and restoration of mankind. Each character listens to God by inclining their ear to Him. Inclining our own ears doesn’t mean just hearing God, but it is a hearing that leads to obedience.

Outback: This year, Outback will be studying the book of James and the theme is “Yes I Will”. Fumblerooskie says that James packs a lot of applications into his book and we can put those into action as we walk intimately with Jesus. The book of James challenges us in many areas and encourages us to transform our lives on a day-to-day basis. God has given us a playbook for our lives: the Bible. He desires to have a relationship with us that leads to a “full, abundant life.”

Ridge: Our theme this summer is “Word.” We will be studying Psalm 119 and exploring how essential God’s Word is to everything we go through. When the earthly things that we walk in begin to fail us, we have something that is established in the heavens forever!

Posted May 27, 2020

Anna Birch

Former Staff

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