by Anna Birch
Editor’s Note: At Pine Cove, we pray big prayers, and often the Lord reveals himself in the most unexpected way. Read this incredible story of what happened while we were on the road recruiting prospective summer staff this fall.
One of my favorite parts of recruiting is getting to minister to college students. For some, this is more than just an interview; it could be a life-changing moment for them. Many students have never thought through the issues we ask them about and others have never been asked to explain the Gospel. Often the challenge that we give them at the end of the interview may alter the course of their life.
Then there are others still who will hear the Gospel possibly for the first time in their lives.
At Central Baptist College, a girl came up to the booth to snag a brochure as we were packing up to transition to another location on campus. I chatted with her for a minute and she ended up making an account but told me she wouldn’t be able to interview that day since she had worked all afternoon after chapel.
A couple of hours later, chapel let out than it usually does, so she walked up to me again and asked if she could interview. I had just enough time to squeeze her in for an interview.
About halfway through the interview, I realized she was living in sin and not really convicted enough about it to change. I decided to ask her thoughts on the Gospel. She gave me a lot of church-y answers but focused on doing all the good Christian things and nothing really about what Jesus has done for us. I kept pressing in, sensing that she either lacked real faith or was unsure about her beliefs. Finally, I shared the Gospel with her and asked her if she had ever asked Jesus to save her from her sins. She hesitantly said yes, but again gave me an answer of doing good things instead of asking Jesus to be her Savior.
It was clear that she knew that she had never surrendered her life to Jesus. So, I explained that she could now if she wanted to do so, and she said she would like to! I again explained what committing her life to Jesus was, and she said she wanted to! I prayed for her and she then prayed the most beautiful, simple, and genuine prayer of salvation! After she finished praying, I excitedly told her that she was officially a child of God, her name is written forever in the Book of Life, and that heaven was celebrating her rescue!
She exclaimed, “Wow, I feel like crying!”
I answered, through tears flowing already, “Well, cry, girl! This is the best thing ever!”
She explained how she had always been confused about it all, and it finally was clear to her that Jesus had done the work. She said she even felt like she could finally breathe! It was the sweetest moment!
I loved watching the Lord literally transform a soul and soften a heart before my very eyes! I’ve never seen anything like it!
I have kept up with her over the past several weeks via text message, and it sounds like God is doing a great work in her. I’m giving her the number of a Pine Cove summer staffer and friend of mine in her area that can really pour into her throughout the year.
God worked all the little details out to allow her to interview, hear the Gospel, and have a heart ready to receive eternal life! He does all the work, and graciously allows us to be a part of watching Him change lives! What a gift! What a joy! Praise the Lord!
Posted Nov 15, 2016
Categories: Summer Staff (Browse all)
Tags: faith, gospel, jesus, recruiting, salvation, transformation, truth
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