Scenic view of trees at camp

Tag: jesus

Burdened For Their Brothers

by Valerie Morby


Caroline and Ashlen had a lot in common. They both were college students—Caroline (or “Chip,” as she’s known at Pine Cove) at the University of Texas, and Ashlen (aka “T-Feels”) at Ole Miss—who had been serving for several summers at the Pine Cove Timbers. Both were thriving in their roles, seeking after the Lord, and […]

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Kai’s Story: The God Who Sees

by Katelyn Sullins


The very first instance in Scripture of a human being declaring a name over God is in Genesis 16, when Hagar calls God “El Roi,” which means “the God who sees.” It is not surprising, the significance that being seen holds in our lives now. For Hagar, being seen meant she was not alone in […]

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Life Transformation On The Road

by Anna Birch

Shores hangtime girls praying

Editor’s Note: At Pine Cove, we pray big prayers, and often the Lord reveals himself in the most unexpected way. Read this incredible story of what happened while we were on the road recruiting prospective summer staff this fall. One of my favorite parts of recruiting is getting to minister to college students. For some, this is […]

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Bible Study Theme: MADE

by Colton Venner

MADE conference

The summer is here once again and numerous high school students all around the country are preparing to pack their bags to come and spend a week at the Pine Cove Shores. All the while, the counselors have been named, the excitement is high, and the jumping is even higher! Every year there is a […]

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Bible Study Theme: Broken

by Chris Sherrod

Guy Reading Bible At Camp

Fallow is not a word that most people have ever used in a conversation (unless you’re a farmer). So if you don’t know, “fallow ground” is land that has sat unused and become hard and full of weeds. It must be broken up and prepared before it can be useful and planted with seeds. The […]

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Bible Study Theme: Stories

by Pat Preston

Campers reading bibles

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light […]

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Faith: No Doubt About it

by Chris Sherrod

Empty Chair

A condition that plagues many Christians today – both young and old – is what I call Thomasphobia: the fear of doubting. This malady often begins in elementary Sunday school class when the Easter story is told and children hear about Doubting Thomas. Wide-eyed children are asked, “Can you believe Thomas doubted that Jesus rose […]

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Why We Need Christmas

by Mario Zandstra

Wood Cross and Wood Nativity

We love to celebrate Christmas at the Zandstra house, do you? If you were to ask your friends and families why we celebrate Christmas, you will no doubt get varying answers ranging from, “It’s a time to celebrate family” to “Santa Claus” to “Jesus’ birth.” But, I want to ask a different question… Why do […]

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Universal God

by Jillian Verret

Camper and Counselor Talking

We had the privilege of having a foreign exchange student as a camper at the Timbers during week 3! She is from Mexico and has been in the U.S. (Houston) for six months and will be returning back to Mexico on Monday. She and her counselor talked about her family life and how it has […]

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One Counselor’s Prayer for His Camper

by Jillian Verret

Camper Happy to see Counselor

In December every year, we have a weekend called Winterfest, which is basically a mini-week of camp during the winter. It’s a blast. The weekend is similar to a normal summer week at camp. Campers get counselors, we have skits, and we do a lot of activity classes, not to mention an awesome concert for […]

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