Scenic view of trees at camp

Tag: salvation

Even Bigger Than We Could Have Imagined

by Kelsey Kaigler


“I can’t get over what a miracle it is watching You transform hearts right in front of me. I don’t deserve it. May I never forget it.” Silverado counselor Emma Cate “Pink Princess” Williams wrote those words in her journal after her hangtime with Madison Maddux, a fifth grader from Waco, Texas. And she couldn’t […]

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The Magnetic Force Behind Every Story at Pine Cove

by Grant Wilkie

three college-age men

“Spins, will you pray with me to help me accept Jesus?” These eleven words have been seared in my mind since they were spoken to me on July 23rd, 2019, the second Tuesday of Overflow D (Week 9). They have become a part of me, a driving force within my story. This summer, I was […]

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Did You Say Two Weeks of Camp?

by Pine Cove

Timbers Amplify two-week campers floating in a lazy river at a water park.

Some of our campers just can’t get enough of Pine Cove. And we love it! Our two-week programs offered at Timbers, Shores and Ridge are equipping campers to live for Christ beyond their time in high school. A Timbers Amplify counselor tells us her experience seeing lives transformed after two weeks at camp.   As […]

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Life Transformation On The Road

by Anna Birch

Shores hangtime girls praying

Editor’s Note: At Pine Cove, we pray big prayers, and often the Lord reveals himself in the most unexpected way. Read this incredible story of what happened while we were on the road recruiting prospective summer staff this fall. One of my favorite parts of recruiting is getting to minister to college students. For some, this is […]

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Caitlin’s Story

by Susan Andreone


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” — 2 Corinthians 5:17 Arriving after a long journey from their home in Pennsylvania, they drove through the Pine Cove Woods Family Camp entrance where she witnessed enthusiastic counselors jumping up and down and waving at her […]

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Camper Story: Celebrating Salvation

by Mario Zandstra

Cheering at Family Camp

Opening days at Pine Cove are filled with festivities. As families are driving into camp, the college staff are cheering and jumping, welcoming the arriving campers to camp for another exciting week. No matter the circumstance, the enthusiastic staff can put a smile on the most skeptical face. This particular week at the Bluffs Family […]

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Universal God

by Jillian Verret

Camper and Counselor Talking

We had the privilege of having a foreign exchange student as a camper at the Timbers during week 3! She is from Mexico and has been in the U.S. (Houston) for six months and will be returning back to Mexico on Monday. She and her counselor talked about her family life and how it has […]

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One Counselor’s Prayer for His Camper

by Jillian Verret

Camper Happy to see Counselor

In December every year, we have a weekend called Winterfest, which is basically a mini-week of camp during the winter. It’s a blast. The weekend is similar to a normal summer week at camp. Campers get counselors, we have skits, and we do a lot of activity classes, not to mention an awesome concert for […]

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From Doubt to Faith

by Jillian Verret

Camper Worshipping Jesus

At Pine Cove, we have a wide variety of campers from many different of backgrounds. Sometimes that is a camper who waits for Pine Cove year round and loves it more than anything, and other times it’s campers who have never been before and didn’t want to come, have disciplinary problems, have hard home lives, […]

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Week 1: Divine Appointments

by Jillian Verret

Campers praying

And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 It’s week one. First full day of summer. First full day of camp activities like meals, activity classes, clubs, and Bible Studies. As counselors bring in their cabins to […]

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