And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
It’s week one. First full day of summer. First full day of camp activities like meals, activity classes, clubs, and Bible Studies. As counselors bring in their cabins to teach Bible Study each morning, sometimes senior counselors get the privilege to join in and be a part of teaching and/or interacting with the counselors and campers.
On this particular Monday at the Timbers, one of our senior counselors got to do Bible Study with his counselor’s cabin, and the Bible Study for the day was about knowing God and not just knowing about Him, but knowing Him personally, like you would know a best friend. The senior counselor shared his story the night before about perhaps getting “scared into Christianity” when he was younger, but not understanding the Gospel and not knowing Jesus personally until he was older.
Since Bible Study is in the middle of the day, right before lunch, campers get to let the Bible Study simmer all day. By the time club rolls around, it’s late in the evening, much past dinner. During club worship Monday night, a camper from this particular cabin comes to the senior counselor crying, asking if they can talk. Sure enough, this camper related to his senior counselor’s story of “being scared into Christianity.” But he wants to know Jesus. Really know Him on a deeper level and personally, like a best friend. So the senior counselor talks to him more and the camper understands it now. He needs Jesus as the Lord of his life, as his personal Savior, and best friend. The senior counselor prays with him and he is now a part of the family of God! Praise the Lamb! Later after club, the camper talks to the senior counselor again and tells him he understood the club talk now, he really got it and loved hearing about the Gospel.
Because the senior counselor sat in the Bible Study that morning, he connected with the campers in a way that he might not have otherwise, and because of his faithfulness in telling his story, God used him in a way to bring the camper to Him and into His family. And now this camper knows the Lord.
What a sweet way to start off the summer. He is sovereign, mighty, gracious, and loving. To Him be all the glory and honor and praise!
Are you being faithful with your testimony and sharing your story of salvation with others?
Do you have a story of salvation and relationship with Jesus?
Posted Jun 5, 2013
Categories: Spiritual (Browse all)
Tags: bible study, club, salvation, savior, senior counselor, staff, story, summer, testimony, timbers
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