Category: Inside the Cove
Since last summer, Pine Cove has been busy. Very busy. We have been building a brand-new camp (The Ridge), adding cabins in South Carolina (Chimney Point), renovating cabins at another beloved family camp (The Bluffs), and adding more castles (also known as Towers cabins). First, here’s some awesome drone video footage of the Ridge, because […]
Tags: construction, Ridge
by Reed Livesay
As our 50th year in ministry began in 2017, we asked ourselves, “Who is Pine Cove today?” Throughout our 50 years, culture sure has changed, and while we always strive to be relevant, one thing remains steadfast… the life-saving truth of the Gospel. CHRIST-CENTERED Pine Cove is, and will remain, Christ-centered. Our commitment is to […]
by Pine Cove
Just because camp isn’t in session doesn’t mean you can’t take time to rest. We all deserve some time to relax and take a breather. Parents, raising kids is hard! You deserve a few moments of peace and quiet. If you’re not sure what those two words mean, then you’re in the right place because we’re about to […]
“The Lord is my shepherd… We all like sheep have gone astray… I am the Good Shepherd… He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms…You were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” These are just a few examples from Scripture […]
Tags: family camp
We celebrated Valentine’s Day this week, so we thought it would be a good time to bring up everyone’s favorite topic: dating! Specifically, we thought it would be fun to sit down with Pine Cove’s Chief Ministry Officer Craig “Dutch” Langemeier and ask him all the things about dating before marriage. He gave us some […]
In the busyness of life, the relationship between a husband and wife can become strained. As they strive to provide for their children, volunteer at church, and pursue a career, meaningful conversation is sometimes neglected. Jonathan and Mali Eaton, campers at the Bluffs family camp, realized that their dating relationship dissolved once they were married. […]
We are really big fans of the Olympics around Pine Cove. This should come as no surprise, since at camp we can turn anything into good, healthy competition. (Did someone say “Pit ‘n’ Palace?”) Admittedly, it’s a little easier for most of us to relate to the Summer Olympics, because hey, they’ve got pools, and […]
When was the last time someone asked you what your camp name was? Well, we’re asking again! Not everyone gets to spend a summer in the middle of nowhere… cell phone off, cheering about meal time, wearing the same clothes as their peers two days a week and being known by a seriously fun name, […]
Tags: alumni
Before I applied to work at Pine Cove, I had never heard of a ministry like Camp in the City. Every summer, Pine Cove packs up the joy and energy of camp and drives across Texas and the southeast. Along with obvious camp needs—such as snacks, skit clothes, and play pit balls—the caravan also carries […]
Tags: camp in the city
Pat “Sew Train” Phillips has worked at Pine Cove in our Registration department for over twenty years. Last Friday was her last day before retiring, and we miss her already! Around Pine Cove, we affectionately refer to our registration team as “Reggies,” and they are the smiling faces behind any phone call to our main […]