We’re always impressed by the embarrassing moments, the creativity, and the puns that make camp names possible. For example, “This Squirrel is on Fire” is a perfect mix for a great name. He had a pet squirrel in college (!), and he once accidentally set his front yard on fire. The list of new names from this summer had us giggling, and as you read on you’ll see why!
Every year, there are names that sell mostly because we’re all envisioning the introduction. Camper parent: Hi, I’m Steve. *shakes hand* Counselor: Hi, I’m:
2nd Half Counselor
Counselor X
Momma’s Boy
Or, let’s say the camper parent says, “Hi, I’m Steve. What’s your name?” And then the staffer says:
You’re the Only Ten-I-See
Who’s on First?
Just keep picturing those introductions in your head. So good!
Then there are the names you just can’t help but sing as you say them! We think parents probably extra-appreciate these:
Let’s get ready to Ruffle
Baby Psych Do Do Do Do Do Do
We Are Farmers, DaDaDaDaDaDaDa
You Graze Me Up
This Squirrel is on Fire
Pranked Out By the Lake
Kiss the Hurl
Get Your Bread in the Game
ABC No Wait Dad It’s Just Me
While a lot of names include an appropriate pop culture reference, usually one stands out above the rest. This year, it was a new dance move called “The Woah.” (We really hope they all had to “prove” this dance move on stage!)
All the Colors of the Rainwhoa
P Sherman 42 Whoallaby Way
My Name is Rod & Like to Woah
Rock and Woah
Woah There Cowboy
Woah Is Meat
And finally, we couldn’t help but giggle at these puns on historical people or famous characters:
George Squashington
Alexander the Late
Spruce Wayne
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Posted Jun 26, 2019
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