Scenic view of trees at camp

Staff Profile: Hannah “Patilla Piñata” Carter

by Jenny Sowers Rutland

Hannah Carter headshot

Starting her camp journey on summer staff nearly 15 years ago and working through eight different positions on full-time staff, Hannah has experienced many facets of Pine Cove’s ministry. She has a heart of gold and will make you cry from laughter. Her name game story is unlike any we’ve ever heard, and her explanation […]

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Family Camp 2020 Theme: HE>ME

by Chris Sherrod

family reading together

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory,     for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness! Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. – Psalm 115:1-3 The book of Joshua opens after the death […]

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New 2020 Full-Time Camp Staff

by Anna Birch

four full time staff compilation

Throughout this spring, we will be introducing a few of our brand-new full-time staff members! Find out where they come from, some of their favorite things, and what about their roles has them most excited.  And make sure to say “hi” when you see them at camp this summer!  Nikki “Willy Wonky” Germenis: Nikki “Willy […]

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It’s Not About Me: Pine Cove Acts of Kindness

by Valerie Morby

girl camper and girl counselor hugging

In Matthew 25, Jesus spoke to His followers about looking out for the people around them, saying, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” For Pine Cove, this translates to being “others-focused.” In fact, we encourage our staff to remember: it’s not about […]

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Date Night Tips from Camp

by Anna Birch

man and woman sitting together

Family camp Date Night is an incredible thing—a nice, private dinner for mom and dad while the kids are having a blast with their counselors! Those nights allow couples to take a deep breath and enjoy some intentional time together. Even though we ALL wish camp was every week of the year (I mean, the […]

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Full-Time Staff: What Are You Learning Right Now?

by Anna Birch

two men praying

Hearing what other believers are learning can be such an encouragement to our faith! It can challenge us to dive deeper into the Word of God, inspire us to not settle for shallow faith, and remind us of Truth in the midst of trials. In light of that, we asked some of our full-time staff […]

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Staff Trips 2020 Recap

by Anna Birch

staff on top of a mountain

Every winter, camp teams get their staff together for a trip to reconnect at a fun location. These trips allow the group to relax and play together, as well as serve and have intentional time. This year, staff went to Colorado, Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, and even the Caribbean, among other places. Here is a quick […]

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Staff Profile: David “Fumblerooski” Hall

by Jenny Sowers Rutland

David Hall

We got the opportunity to sit down and get to know David Hall, who is just about the easiest person to talk to, ever. He is so clearly overflowing with gratitude for his opportunity to serve in camp ministry. From a high school football coach to a director of a youth camp, read David’s unique […]

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Behind the Scenes with Worship Leaders

by Katelyn Sullins

girl leading worship

I can recall, as a high school camper at the Shores, watching the worship leader up on stage and thinking they must be the coolest person at camp.  This past summer, we got together with a couple of staffers who have had the privilege of being worship leaders to see what the job was really […]

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Our 6 Favorite Ways to Memorize Scripture

by Valerie Morby

child holding up paper

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then […]

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