Scenic view of trees at camp

God’s Deep, Rich Love

by Chris Boddy

Father and son playing games

Last week was a crazy week for my family and me. We had one of those weeks where the entire family was sick, but it all started with my youngest son Jet. He could not keep food down and ended up becoming critically dehydrated. My wife took him to the doctor and they told her […]

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Life Lessons from Mud Wrestling

by Robbie Jones

Buffalo Hunt Mud

There I stand, six inches deep in a giant pit of mud surrounded by 80 other 30 to 40-year-old men. At the instruction of a young man with a bull horn, we all get down on our hands and knees. Though it’s a warm spring day, the mud is cold. Many of the men have […]

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Work Hard, Play Hard

by Chelsea Hays

Bowling Day

Here at Pine Cove, our full-time staff works really hard to provide the best camp experience for those that are on our property every week. But sometimes it’s good for us to get out the office and have a good time being in community with each other! With so many different working parts in our […]

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Why Two-Week Camping?

by Andrew Bacon

Campers sitting on the lake

Here at Pine Cove, we have done one-week camping for as long as I can remember. It has become our standard to have campers arrive on Sunday and leave on Saturday. One week is a good amount of time to have fun, connect with a counselor and cabin mates, and most importantly, learn more about […]

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Wakeboarding Without a Boat

by Matt Murphy

Camper wakeboarding with a boat

True or false. 1. Wakeboarding is awesome… TRUE. 2. If you don’t have a boat to pull you, then you are out of luck… FALSE! Last summer, we installed our very own Wake Park at Pine Cove, shared between campers at Crier Creek and Outback, and it was a huge hit! Campers can grab a […]

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Commission Camping: Lessons Learned

by Molly Spurgeon

Commission Camping Peru Team

As some of you may or may not know, each year Pine Cove has the incredible opportunity to send out hundreds of our staffers to Latin America. We are able to partner with CCI, or Christian Camping International, to put on Campamentos de Impacto, or “Impact Camps”. It is an awesome time of training Latin […]

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Bible Study Theme: Know

by Shawn Welch

Pine Cove counselor reading the bible

If I were to ask you, “Who do you know?”, what people would you list? Would you talk about family, friends, or just mere acquaintances? As we go down our list, we begin to realize that there are different levels of knowing people. For some people, we just know their name and maybe a few […]

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Dock Rock: A Camp Tradition

by Kyle Gore

Campers on banana boat

“The Dock stinkin’ rocks my socks off!!!” Of all of the camp cheers and sayings we have here at the Shores, this has to be in my top five favorites! “The Dock stinkin’ rocks my socks off”! I didn’t know that someone could be able to put into words how I feel about this awesome […]

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Bible Study Theme: Reality

by Pat Preston

Young boy campers praying in a circle

A few months ago I was sitting in a coffee shop here in Columbus, Texas working on some things for Outback. I sat back at one point and just started listening to the people around me. One of the conversations I heard was between one of the coffee shop baristas and a gentleman. The gentleman […]

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Tips for Sharing the Gospel

by Brent Bertolio

Campers discussing the bible

Have you ever felt inadequate? Truly unprepared or unable to accomplish a goal or a task?  How about in elementary school when you went toe-to-toe in a spelling bee with the top speller in the class?  In middle school when you only skimmed the assigned reading material and then was asked to share your synopsis […]

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