Scenic view of trees at camp

Commission Camping: Trip Stories

by Valerie Morby

Camp in the City Panama

With 162 Pine Cove staff members currently serving the Lord at camps throughout Latin America, there is no shortage of awesome stories to share! Thankfully we are able to keep up with all of these mission trips on each of their blogs, and you can follow along too! Here is just a taste of some […]

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Life Transformation On The Road

by Anna Birch

Shores hangtime girls praying

Editor’s Note: At Pine Cove, we pray big prayers, and often the Lord reveals himself in the most unexpected way. Read this incredible story of what happened while we were on the road recruiting prospective summer staff this fall. One of my favorite parts of recruiting is getting to minister to college students. For some, this is […]

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Max’s Summer Training

by Lisa Archinal


When football coaches from the top college programs in the country hear the name Max Wright their ears perk up. As a high school freshman, Max received his first Division I offer. Now as a junior, Max has offers in the double digits from major programs such as Alabama, Georgia and Texas A&M. He’s worked […]

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Famous Last Words

by Scott Kedersha


When our family moved to Texas in 2002, we kept hearing about Christian summer camps. If I am honest, I thought camp sounded like the dumbest thing I had ever heard. Our church went to family camp every year, and seemingly everyone talked about getting away with their families for a week or sending their […]

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My Child’s First Time At Overnight Youth Camp

by Valerie Morby

Youth campers in the pool

Editor’s Note: The following post was written by Michelle Tanzola, a mom who sent her daughter to the overnight youth camp at Pine Cove for the first time this summer! Last year her daughter experienced Camp in the City for the first time. Read about that experience here. If the Olympics gave medals for summer camps, Pine […]

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Pine Cove CampLife App: Better Than Ever

by Valerie Morby

Pine Cove CampLife App

Imagine this: in one hand you have sleek, exciting technology. In the other, the entire camp experience, from skits and games to counselors and activities. Put your hands together, friends. Because it’s happening! With the CampLife App, you’ll have a window into a week of camp at Pine Cove that will blow your socks off! […]

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Shores Bible Study Theme: FAITHWORKS

by Taylor Jervis

Camper reading their bible

You’ve probably heard the saying “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.” Of course, this saying goes beyond just fishing. I think there’s a problem in our Christian culture. Young believers aren’t spending time with Jesus in their daily lives. Whether it’s […]

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Leadership Weekend 2016

by Valerie Morby

Leadership weekend campers

Editor’s Note: The following blog post was written by two of our summer leadership staff members. First up, Jordan James shares about her weekend at the East Texas Leadership weekend that took place April 8-10.  “Pine Cove exists to be used by God to transform the lives of people for His purposes and His glory!” […]

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A First-Time Camper Mom’s Experience

by Valerie Morby

Camper being greeted by counselors

Editor’s Note: The following post was written by Michelle Tanzola, a mom who sent her daughter to Pine Cove Camp in the City for the first time last summer! Check out what the experience was like for her. I am not a “hoverer” when it comes to parenting. At least, I don’t like to think […]

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Women’s Conference 2016

by Kayla Sims

Pine Cove women

“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 1:8 We were blessed to have over 250 women come to the Shores March 5-7 for our annual […]

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