Scenic view of trees at camp

Lessons from Leadership Weekend

by Riley Sheehan

Dutch Speaking to Summer Staff

Being a leader can be amazingly exciting. Being a leader can also be scary. When I pulled into Tyler for Pine Cove Leadership weekend, I felt an interesting combination of both. I was excited — to see old friends, to bond with new ones, to build community, to be trained, to laugh, to talk, to […]

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Bible Study Theme: Broken

by Chris Sherrod

Guy Reading Bible At Camp

Fallow is not a word that most people have ever used in a conversation (unless you’re a farmer). So if you don’t know, “fallow ground” is land that has sat unused and become hard and full of weeds. It must be broken up and prepared before it can be useful and planted with seeds. The […]

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Hot Dog Company Relishes Pine Cove Buyout

by Valerie Morby

April 1 Press Release

NEWS RELEASE April 1, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Guggenheim Global Hot Dog Industries Buys Pine Cove Camps International Hot Dog Leader Relishing the Buyout of Tyler, Texas-based Pine Cove Camps for Estimated 1.5 Million Franks TYLER, TEXAS – In a play to dominate the increasingly competitive summer camp hot dog market, Netherlands-based hot dog juggernaut, […]

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Bible Study Theme: Stories

by Pat Preston

Campers reading bibles

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light […]

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Pine Cove Prays

by Matt Edwards

Pine Cove Staff Praying

Over the last several years, the resident staff of Pine Cove have been pursuing the idea that God is deeply engaged with His people that pray. He desires a deep and personal relationship with his children. An active prayer life is one of the ways that we can enjoy him more fully. He has taught […]

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Why We Invite Friends to Camp

by Robbie Jones

Camper Smiling at Camp

We have two kids in public school. One of the things I love about public school is that it gives our family a chance to interact with families who may not share our faith and way of life. Since I work at a ministry full time, meeting people outside the “Christian bubble” can take a […]

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Celebrate Pine Cove Day at Home

by Brent Bertolio

Campers with Silly String

For most of you, this week is Spring Break. You might be thinking to yourself, “Self, with the kids out of school, what are we going to do?” That’s such a great question! And we’ve already answered it for you. Bring a day of Pine Cove home with you! If you haven’t figured out your […]

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Faith: No Doubt About it

by Chris Sherrod

Empty Chair

A condition that plagues many Christians today – both young and old – is what I call Thomasphobia: the fear of doubting. This malady often begins in elementary Sunday school class when the Easter story is told and children hear about Doubting Thomas. Wide-eyed children are asked, “Can you believe Thomas doubted that Jesus rose […]

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Top Eight Questions We Get About Family Camp

by Lea Rittenhouse

Family Hugging at Camp

Family camp is the best kind of camp! But because it’s a little outside of what most people think of when they think of camp, we get a number of questions. Here’s a list of questions (and answers, because we’re nice) we commonly get. 1. What are the differences between the four family camps? The […]

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Camper Story: Celebrating Salvation

by Mario Zandstra

Cheering at Family Camp

Opening days at Pine Cove are filled with festivities. As families are driving into camp, the college staff are cheering and jumping, welcoming the arriving campers to camp for another exciting week. No matter the circumstance, the enthusiastic staff can put a smile on the most skeptical face. This particular week at the Bluffs Family […]

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