Scenic view of trees at camp

Tag: faith

Camper Share: God Loves You for You

by Valerie Morby

Camper and Counselor Hangtime

Camper Share is one of our favorite times of the week. We love getting to hear about what the Lord is doing in the lives of our campers! Here are a few things that our campers have shared so far this summer: “After this week, God has changed my life and I want to follow Him […]

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A Horse Ministry

by Susan Andreone

Pine Cove Horse Ministry

As the group of family campers approached the barn, the wranglers began sizing up the new riders almost immediately, assessing their personalities, temperaments and other qualities important for an enjoyable trail ride for both horse and rider. Matching campers’ and horses’ personalities doesn’t always play out like you would imagine though. For example, this particular […]

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God’s Deep, Rich Love

by Chris Boddy

Father and son playing games

Last week was a crazy week for my family and me. We had one of those weeks where the entire family was sick, but it all started with my youngest son Jet. He could not keep food down and ended up becoming critically dehydrated. My wife took him to the doctor and they told her […]

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Life Lessons from Mud Wrestling

by Robbie Jones

Buffalo Hunt Mud

There I stand, six inches deep in a giant pit of mud surrounded by 80 other 30 to 40-year-old men. At the instruction of a young man with a bull horn, we all get down on our hands and knees. Though it’s a warm spring day, the mud is cold. Many of the men have […]

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Bible Study Theme: Reality

by Pat Preston

Young boy campers praying in a circle

A few months ago I was sitting in a coffee shop here in Columbus, Texas working on some things for Outback. I sat back at one point and just started listening to the people around me. One of the conversations I heard was between one of the coffee shop baristas and a gentleman. The gentleman […]

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Tips for Sharing the Gospel

by Brent Bertolio

Campers discussing the bible

Have you ever felt inadequate? Truly unprepared or unable to accomplish a goal or a task?  How about in elementary school when you went toe-to-toe in a spelling bee with the top speller in the class?  In middle school when you only skimmed the assigned reading material and then was asked to share your synopsis […]

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Faith: Choosing to Believe

by Mallory Brandenburg

Choosing to Believe

“[Wait] with Me for a while. I have much to tell you. You are walking along the path I have [chosen for you]. It is both a privileged and perilous way: experiencing My glorious Presence and heralding that reality to others. Sometimes you feel presumptuous to be carrying out such an assignment. Do no worry about what other people think of […]

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by Chelsea Connor

Apply banner

You’ve seen it on the T-shirts, on the facebook graphics, even on the website. When I first noticed our “APPLY” theme, I was a little bit confused. Shouldn’t those shirts say more about Pine Cove? Don’t we want to promote actually working at the towers/timbers/shores/outback/ranch/silverado/base camps/camp in the city… It really is a lot of […]

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