Scenic view of trees at camp

Category: Inside the Cove

Full-Time Staff Moves and Changes

by Miranda Lehman


We have incredible leadership at Pine Cove. From the top down, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the main thing! With multiple regions and needs for lots of leaders in various roles, there are plenty of opportunities for our staff to jump into new roles and even move to different regions. Here is a quick […]

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Looking Back to Aim Forward

by Katelyn Sullins


The storyline of the Bible shows that people have always had the tendency to forget what God has done, though He calls His people to find ways to remember His awesome deeds. Visual media, when done well, can be a powerful tool in helping people remember the story of what God did in their lives […]

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Cowboy Muffin Recipe

by Miranda Lehman


Autumn is here, temperatures are dropping, and school is in full-swing. With all the business of this season, there’s nothing better than fresh muffins on the breakfast table! Check out this Cowboy Blueberry Muffin recipe that will have the whole family jumping for joy! Cowboy Breakfast Blueberry Muffins Ingredients: 1 cup Oatmeal 1 cup Flour […]

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Top 10 Schools 2020

by Anna Birch

Top 10 2020

Every year we have a bit of competition to see which universities have the most staff. Even through the craziness of a pandemic and the changes that were made to make sure we could have camp, we were BLOWN AWAY by all our incredible summer staff and their dedication to working this summer! Because of […]

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The 3 P’s of Bible Study

by Craig Langemeier

hand on Bible

The discipline I most hope to pass on to my kids, the one that has changed my life more than anything else is… Before I explain, let me tell you about a place called Qumran in Israel. Qumran is where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947. Arguably the greatest archeological discovery of all […]

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Labor Day Weekend Recipes

by Anna Birch


Nothing says the start of the school year like a three-day weekend, right? The best part of the weekend can be gathering around the table with your family, enjoying intentional time together, and chowing down on some delicious food. Here are some yummy recipe ideas from the Crier Creek cookbook that you will definitely want […]

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Forge Move-In

by Anna Birch

Forge class 2021 study

The Forge just kicked off their new year! Thirty-three students from various states, camps, and backgrounds have moved in and are ready to start the process of learning and growing as a community. Check out these photos from their first weekend at camp, and don’t forget to keep them in your prayers as they start […]

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Back to School Encouragement for Moms

by Erin Harris

mom and kids drop-off

I’ve been thinking a lot about the kids going back to school tomorrow. Even though we KNOW this is what God has called our family to do for now, it FEELS very uncertain, and less than ideal. Stressed out teachers and admin, masks, kids who’ve been cooped up for five months, and, well, COVID. I […]

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The God of Small Beginnings: Saying Goodbye to Bill McKenzie

by Bill Hendricks

Bill and Sharon McKenzie

Editor’s note: This week marks a year since Bill “Red Baron” McKenzie, our founder, passed away. Here is a tribute written by Bill “Surf” Hendricks celebrating God’s faithfulness through one man’s heart to serve Him.  One Friday when I was about 10 or 11, my dad (Howard Hendricks) told my brother and me he had […]

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Summer Recap 2020

by Kristen Murphy


It’s no secret that this summer didn’t look anything like we expected it would! But of course—God was still at work. Join our Chief Ministry Officer Craig “Dutch” Langemeier as he recaps and reflects on summer 2020, thanks you for your support, and shares a story of just one of the many lives transformed by […]

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