Scenic view of trees at camp

Tag: gospel

Why We Need Christmas

by Mario Zandstra

Wood Cross and Wood Nativity

We love to celebrate Christmas at the Zandstra house, do you? If you were to ask your friends and families why we celebrate Christmas, you will no doubt get varying answers ranging from, “It’s a time to celebrate family” to “Santa Claus” to “Jesus’ birth.” But, I want to ask a different question… Why do […]

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Universal God

by Jillian Verret

Camper and Counselor Talking

We had the privilege of having a foreign exchange student as a camper at the Timbers during week 3! She is from Mexico and has been in the U.S. (Houston) for six months and will be returning back to Mexico on Monday. She and her counselor talked about her family life and how it has […]

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Wee Little Man Turned Tree-Tall Man

by Jake Collins

Sycamore Tree

“Zacchaeus was a ‘wee little man’”… But the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10), and found him… just outside of Jericho. “… and a ‘wee little man’ was he…” (Rom. 3:23) Then, there was a tree. I’ve always been challenged and impressed by the steps of courage taken by […]

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Reunited Through Living Water

by Melissa Laughlin

Shores Counselor and Camper

With Week 4 wrapped up and Week 5 on the move, campers and counselors will tell you that time has been flying by at camp! And every week God is making his transforming power known. Recently a camper at the Shores was baptized, proclaiming the truth of this power publicly. This was a great snapshot […]

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Redeemed at Family Camp

by Susan Andreone

Baptism at Pine Cove Camp Pool

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Arriving after a long journey from their home in Pennsylvania, they drove through the Pine Cove Woods Family Camp entrance where she witnessed enthusiastic counselors jumping up and down and waving at her […]

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From Doubt to Faith

by Jillian Verret

Camper Worshipping Jesus

At Pine Cove, we have a wide variety of campers from many different of backgrounds. Sometimes that is a camper who waits for Pine Cove year round and loves it more than anything, and other times it’s campers who have never been before and didn’t want to come, have disciplinary problems, have hard home lives, […]

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Camper Share: God Loves You for You

by Valerie Morby

Camper and Counselor Hangtime

Camper Share is one of our favorite times of the week. We love getting to hear about what the Lord is doing in the lives of our campers! Here are a few things that our campers have shared so far this summer: “After this week, God has changed my life and I want to follow Him […]

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Commission Camping: Lessons Learned

by Molly Spurgeon

Commission Camping Peru Team

As some of you may or may not know, each year Pine Cove has the incredible opportunity to send out hundreds of our staffers to Latin America. We are able to partner with CCI, or Christian Camping International, to put on Campamentos de Impacto, or “Impact Camps”. It is an awesome time of training Latin […]

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Tips for Sharing the Gospel

by Brent Bertolio

Campers discussing the bible

Have you ever felt inadequate? Truly unprepared or unable to accomplish a goal or a task?  How about in elementary school when you went toe-to-toe in a spelling bee with the top speller in the class?  In middle school when you only skimmed the assigned reading material and then was asked to share your synopsis […]

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The Temperature Is Rising

by Matt Murphy

Camper going down waterslide

This is a guest post by one of our summer staff, “Thunder Showers”. So, it is week 7 here at the Ranch and things are going great! The sun has been out all week and the kids are loving each activity class and theme night. We have a lot of counselors who have had their […]

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