Scenic view of trees at camp

Ain’t No Party Like a Pine Cove Party

by Jessica Anthony

You’ll never believe what just happened! As we were combing through the Inside the Cove emails over the last four years, our computer screen started glitching, the speakers were making weird sounds, and then we saw one of those flash across the screen! “One of those, what?” you say? It was one of those fourteen-eyebrowed, three-toed, eleven-legged, purple polka-dotted, pygmy elephants! It took one of those eyebrows and it made a little wave. We took that to mean “come a little closer” and when we did, we realized it was SPEAKING. HUMAN. LANGUAGE. And it said, “I heard a ru-ru-ru-RU-mor” that today (well, the 21st) is Inside the Cove’s birthday! So start your clapping and let’s look at the top 5 favorite posts over the years with us! 



1. Top 10 Schools

Well, one thing is clear: you all love a good competition. What better way to start this Top 5 post than with some of our Top 10 school posts? Here are the last four: (See any trends? Any upsets?)







2. Theme Nights

Who doesn’t love a good Theme Night post? Y’all sure do! It’s fun to see the excitement you have when we announce the next summer’s theme nights (stay tuned for 2022!), and even when we look back on some of our favorites:

Our Favorite Theme Night Costumes from 2018



3. Staff

Like we always say, “Our staff is our program,” and that proves to be true with your love of any posts about our staff

Staff Moves and Changes – 2020

New Staff 2021

Remembering Our Founder, Bill McKenzie



4. Renovations

Who doesn’t love a good before-and-after post? With the renovations of our inaugural camp and its facilities, it’s no surprise that our Azalea cabin update post made this list. 

W-O, O-D-S (O-D-S)! 



5. Camp Names

Last and certainly not least, you have enjoyed the posts about some of the silliest, longest, or funniest camp names we’ve seen over the years. In no particular order: 

Our Favorite Camp Names from 2018

2020 Camp Names We Love

We Love These Camp Names – 2019


Thanks for joining us on this journey through our four years of Inside the Cove. Here’s to MANY more years to come! 


Posted Sep 21, 2021

Jessica Anthony

Former Staff

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