Scenic view of trees at camp

Category: Spiritual

One of Those Moments

by Craig Langemeier

Cross on a mountain top

I hope I don’t get in trouble. During a Bible study today I quit reading my Bible, quit paying attention, and did something I normally would never do: I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture when I should have been dialed in. It was a powerful moment. It was a moment I wanted […]

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Shores Bible Study Theme: FAITHWORKS

by Taylor Jervis

Camper reading their bible

You’ve probably heard the saying “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.” Of course, this saying goes beyond just fishing. I think there’s a problem in our Christian culture. Young believers aren’t spending time with Jesus in their daily lives. Whether it’s […]

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Who Knew? A St. Patricks Day Surprise

by Chelsea Connor

Sunset on the dock at the Shores

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate today and call it “St. Patrick’s Day?” Believe it or not, there is way more to the story than wearing green head to toe and searching for the perfect four-leaf clover. Saint Patrick was an actual person, and his life is fascinating. Born in Britain, he was kidnapped […]

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Studying the Bible: Research

by Matt Lantz

Bible open to 1 Peter

This is the fourth post in a series of articles that outline some basic steps to practice in studying the Bible. For a list of all the posts, click here. Step 4: Research the Book After taking the time to outline the book and understand the author’s flow of thought throughout the letter, I then […]

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Studying the Bible: Outline

by Matt Lantz

Bible open to 1 Peter

This is the third post in a series of articles that outline some basic steps to practice in studying the Bible. For a list of all the posts, click here. Step 3: Outline the Whole Book Once I have read the book three times, I’ll use the information I gathered while reading through the book […]

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Studying the Bible: Reading

by Valerie Morby

Bible open to 1 Peter

This is the second post in a series of articles that outline some basic steps to practice in studying the Bible. For a list of all the posts, click here. Step 2: Read the Whole Book In our previous post we outlined that prayer is not only the starting point but also the environment for […]

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Studying the Bible: Where to Begin?

by Matt Lantz

Bible open to 1 Peter

I remember when I was a freshman in college that I loved reading the Bible and wanted to study it deeply, but I felt like I didn’t possess the tools I needed to be able to effectively or meaningfully study it. I didn’t know where to start and, even if I did attempt to start, […]

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Bible Study Theme: MADE

by Colton Venner

MADE conference

The summer is here once again and numerous high school students all around the country are preparing to pack their bags to come and spend a week at the Pine Cove Shores. All the while, the counselors have been named, the excitement is high, and the jumping is even higher! Every year there is a […]

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Bible Study Theme: The High Fives

by Brett Brewer

Campers at bible study

At Camp in the City this summer, we are excited to introduce campers to a group of friends called The High Fives. Each of these friends will help us understand a different aspect of who God is, and they will give us a real-life example of what it means to be like Jesus and demonstrate […]

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Bible Study Theme: Blueprint

by Matt Murphy

Ranch Girl Quiet Time

A blueprint is an outline or plan of action. Most of the time, it is used as the starting point for building a house. Before you ever grab a shovel or a bulldozer or whatever else you use to start building a house, you need a plan. Without a plan, even the most skilled construction […]

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