Scenic view of trees at camp

Don’t Hit the Snooze Button On Life

by Ginger Ciminello

Alarm clock snooze button

I love the snooze button. I’ve been a snoozer since I was given the responsibility of setting my own alarm clock in the 5th grade. I’ve been known to set my alarm for two hours prior to the time I actually have to get up. Every nine minutes my hand can fly to that button […]

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Camp in the City at WoodsEdge

by Jordy Barksdale

Camp in the City Cabin and Counselor

Camp in the City is Pine Cove’s traveling day camp that currently partners with 68 churches in seven states. One of those churches is WoodsEdge Community Church based in Spring, Texas, just outside of The Woodlands. This partnership arose from the fact that the mission of WoodsEdge is aligned with our mission: to be used […]

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Get To, Not Have To

by Brent Bertolio

Camp Lagoon with Slide

Throughout the year, we receive numerous phone calls, emails, and letters from campers expressing their life transformation while at camp. These are just too good to keep to ourselves! Check out this mom’s story and how one of our counselors helped her re-focus on serving her family. When I got married, I had a very […]

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Universal God

by Jillian Verret

Camper and Counselor Talking

We had the privilege of having a foreign exchange student as a camper at the Timbers during week 3! She is from Mexico and has been in the U.S. (Houston) for six months and will be returning back to Mexico on Monday. She and her counselor talked about her family life and how it has […]

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Nations Come Together On Common Shores

by Zooey Spooner

Shores Campers Playing Volleyball

During the previous session of the Shores’ 2-week program, Overflow, we were blessed to welcome two campers from France (a brother and sister) and two campers from Mexico (best friends). Their paths are different, but God united all of our cultures to ultimately learn, grow, and flourish under His name. For Clemence and Aurelien, the […]

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Are You Living the Legacy You Want to Leave?

by Chris Sherrod

Father hugging daughter in pool

Have you ever noticed that we don’t really use the word “legacy” until someone is gone? Only then do we look back and reflect on what they’ve left behind. I did exactly that a year and a half ago when my grandfather died. In fact, when asked to lead his memorial service, I titled my […]

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One Counselor’s Prayer for His Camper

by Jillian Verret

Camper Happy to see Counselor

In December every year, we have a weekend called Winterfest, which is basically a mini-week of camp during the winter. It’s a blast. The weekend is similar to a normal summer week at camp. Campers get counselors, we have skits, and we do a lot of activity classes, not to mention an awesome concert for […]

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#ShoresReflect: First Half Summer Staff

by Melissa Laughlin

Shores Staff Praying

One week of Orientation? Check. Five weeks of AWESOME camp-life? Check. Learned something? Definitely check. Ready to head home? …Debatable. As fast as each week has gone, it blows our minds that the first-half staff’s time at Shores is already over. Despite the varied responses to going home, everyone seems to cling to one truth: […]

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Wee Little Man Turned Tree-Tall Man

by Jake Collins

Sycamore Tree

“Zacchaeus was a ‘wee little man’”… But the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10), and found him… just outside of Jericho. “… and a ‘wee little man’ was he…” (Rom. 3:23) Then, there was a tree. I’ve always been challenged and impressed by the steps of courage taken by […]

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Reunited Through Living Water

by Melissa Laughlin

Shores Counselor and Camper

With Week 4 wrapped up and Week 5 on the move, campers and counselors will tell you that time has been flying by at camp! And every week God is making his transforming power known. Recently a camper at the Shores was baptized, proclaiming the truth of this power publicly. This was a great snapshot […]

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