Tag: youth camp
Camp Culture | Inside the Cove
“I learned to trust Jesus and the Lord. Before this week I had accepted the Lord but didn’t know how to really trust Him. I finally found out this week what it looks like to really trust Him and accept Him.” — Outback camper “Getting to connect with so many like minded people has been […]
Tags: camp in the city, family camp, fun, inside the cove, life transformation, photos, recap, stories, story, summer recap, youth camp
by Pine Cove
Katie “MapQuest” (Massinger) West has been part of the Pine Cove family for as long as she can remember. Her Pine Cove story began before she was born and spans the 80s, 90s, 00s, and still continues! Let’s walk down memory lane with her through the decades and have a look at how camp has […]
Tags: alumni, family camp, moms, staff, throwback, youth camp
by Anna Birch
A week (or two!) of camp can be the catalyst for major life change in a camper. God uses everything from Bible study to songs at Club to activity classes and more to soften hearts. One of our favorite things is getting to hear from campers and parents about what they learned during their stay. […]
Tags: 2020, family camp, life transformation, quotes, stories, summer, youth camp
by Anna Birch
The first half of summer was amazing—exciting theme nights, new activity classes AND facilities, and life-changing time in God’s Word. Check out some highlights and stories from the past few weeks as we jump into the second half! Camps stepped up their games with these awesome theme nights and events! “After weeks of being quarantined, […]
Tags: 2020, family camp, summer, youth camp
by Anna Birch
Camp is seriously fun, but more than that, it is all about Jesus, and the best part of each day is Bible study time! Here is a look at what our youth camps will be learning in their individual Bible studies this summer. We can’t wait for campers to dive into these! Towers: Total transformation! […]
Tags: 2020, bible study, outback, preview, ranch, Ridge, shores, silverado, sneak peek, summer, timbers, towers, youth camp
by Jenny Lay
On the evening of February 3, 2013, Kimberlie Brashear watched the Baltimore Ravens face off against the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl XLVII. She was snuggled up on the couch, taking in the game with her two kids, Meredith and Christopher, and their father, Bob. They had been divorced for five years, but they […]
Tags: camp for life, family, life transformation, youth camp
by Anna Birch
What’s better than one week of camp? Well, TWO weeks of camp, of course! Several of our youth camps offer two-week programs for campers who want to stay a little longer. But why send your camper to a two-week program? Let us tell you… there are great benefits in the extra week! We all know […]
Tags: amplify, elevate, overflow, Ridge, shores, summer, timbers, two week camping, youth camp
Inside the Cove | Staff Profile
We got the opportunity to sit down and get to know David Hall, who is just about the easiest person to talk to, ever. He is so clearly overflowing with gratitude for his opportunity to serve in camp ministry. From a high school football coach to a director of a youth camp, read David’s unique […]
Tags: central texas, coach, director, football, outback, Staff Profiles, youth camp
by Anna Birch
We couldn’t do camp without our nurses! Whitney Cox has been serving as a camp nurse at the Shores for the past three summers. She and her husband, Rusty, have five kids: Paxton (14), Mackey (13), Kirby (10), Shepherd (9), and Neeley (7). They’re all BIG fans of Pine Cove! Read on to learn more […]
Tags: camp nurse, nurses, shores, stories, youth camp
by Anna Birch
Our camp nurses are incredible! Bonnie “Nurse BOO BOO” Murphy is from Henderson, Texas and has served faithfully at the Towers every summer for the past nine years. She and her family LOVE camp, as you can tell by the fun photos! Learn more about her passion for helping kids at camp and how she […]
Tags: adoption, foster parent, nurses, parenting, stories, summer, towers, youth camp